Whitney Museum exterior | The Roger Thomas Collection

Out of the closet, into the new Whitney Museum

In Art and history, Travels and events by Roger Thomas

I have read and heard many different reports on the new Whitney Museum in New York, so I went to see for myself. After an interesting visit I’m sharing a few of my favorite views. You should visit soon.
It is in all aspects of art and architecture an American and urban experience. The current exhibition is a great opportunity to see many works and artists out of the closet, as it were. Here are a few of the works that caught my eye (I find photographing entire canvases is nearly impossible due to the lighting, so I take home corners, details and aspects that interest me, and I hope will interest you, too).

Carol Bove at the Whitney | The Roger Thomas Collection

A 2002 work by Carol Bove, “Adventures in Poetry”


A visit to the Whitney | The Roger Thomas Collection

Seen at the Whitney | The Roger Thomas Collection

Seen at the Whitney | The Roger Thomas Collection