A project like the recently-opened Encore Boston Harbor involves diverse design elements and many talented collaborators. Throughout the property, one element plays a key harmonizing role in the whole ensemble of effects: Wall coverings. My partners at Koroseal are wizards at serving both my design aspirations and modern needs for durable, practical materials. For the Encore project they worked with me to develop some of our most wonderful offerings yet.
Florentine Linen is a robust texture with horizontal shadings that evoke the old stone buildings of that magical Italian city. Stone from various quarries in the region is laid carefully to create subtle horizontal lines, and I’m delighted how this pattern echoes that pleasing effect.

In Venice, my adopted city where these days I am fortunate to spend months on end, I’m entranced by so many illusions and ideas. Venetian Linen re-creates my memory of looking at the cityscape through hand-woven linen, striated by age and uneven in color.

Closer to my original home in the southwestern US, I have always been enchanted by the mirage effects in the Mojave Desert. There are shimmering shapes where none exists, there and yet not there, and they never disappear or disappoint. So I hope it is with the visual impact of Mirage Silk.

There’s nothing illusionary about the the robust, masculine and elegant informality of Cerusè oak in the French furniture of the 1930’s created by Jean-Michel Frank. Oak Moderne is a new expression of that rugged yet sophisticated finesse and style.

I find the bark of ancient and noble trees not only noble but very beautiful. It’s natural, but it also reminds me of another favorite surface that happens synthetically called cracquelure, on paintings of great age. I’ve always loved the saying “Barking Mad,” so it’s fun to apply that name to a product. In this case, I’m also “mad for bark.”

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